© 2025 Companylinks
The right consultants for your success!
COMPANYLINKS helps you find the right buyer. Our network of expert partners stand ready to help you ensure a professional transaction.
M&A consultants
Selling a company or interest isn’t something you can deal with in passing. In most cases we therefore recommend to include a well-versed transaction consultant in the process. COMPANYLINKS has built a network of trusted, highly experienced M&A experts and will establish contact upon the client’s request.
Legal consulting
A due-diligence review and the drafting of the contracts are key elements of a transaction for the sale of a company or interest. In most cases it is advisable to retain the services of specialist lawyers. Increasingly, advanced technology (“legal tech”) provides means to simplify complex processes and save costs.
Tax consulting
Your personal tax consultant or accountant is typically involved in the sale process. If necessary, we will refer experienced tax experts to you who are especially well-versed in tax matters related to the sale of a company.
Quite frequently investors use some external capital to finance the purchase of a company or interest. Banks have various ways of handling acquisition finance, sometimes including funding from subsidy programmes. We can put you in contact with competent finance partners.
Filling a vacant key position is frequently critical to the future success of the company, whether it is the Technical Director or an experienced management assistant. In such cases it makes sense to consult with a recruiting expert. COMPANYLINKS cooperates with reputable recruiting agencies.
Upon the successful closing of a transaction, it is crucial to notify the company’s employees, customers and other business partners. Communication consultants can help you find the right words and communicate successfully. We will gladly recommend some experienced specialists.
Asset management and philanthropy
Congratulations: You have successfully sold your company for a good price! Now you are looking for ways to put your funds to good use – whether for your own or your family’s benefit or perhaps for a good cause. Our network of experts includes highly respected asset management consultants.