© 2025 Companylinks
Credit institutions
Succession consulting and corporate finance
Your credit institution offers comprehensive financial consultancy services to medium-sized enterprises, and possibly even support in business succession matters and the sale of stakes in companies. Identifying suitable investors can be a time-consuming task. When the company in question is comparatively small, searching for a potential buyer and accepting the mandate may appear economically unattractive right from the beginning. Whatever the case, cooperating with COMPANYLINKS is a sensible way to expand your portfolio of products and services: We can rely on a large database of qualified investors and can identify suitable potential buyers for your clients – quickly, confidentially, and billable only if successful.
If your institution is not in a position to provide the requested consultancy services, we will refer to your client a qualified transaction expert from our network of reputable M&A consultants if your client so desires. This enables you to cover every need of your client while being included in every step of the process.
Corporate banking
In most cases the purchase of a company involves some outside capital. This applies equally to management buy-ins and to high-volume acquisition financings by financial investors. Sellers and their consultants ask COMPANYLINKS for recommendations of qualified financing partners on a regular basis, and we will gladly establish contact between our clients and financiers. In many cases, this has resulted in a client choosing one of the leading banks from our rapidly-growing network of finance partners as their new main bank.
Auditors and tax consultants
You have been your client’s trusted consultant for many years and are intimately familiar with their financial situation. Therefore, your advice is frequently sought in the context of strategic decisions about matters such as raising capital for further growth by selling a participatory share in the company, or making external succession arrangements. You will doubtlessly assist your client throughout the process – but do you feel confident enough or willing to take these arrangements into your own hands? And even if you do, how will you identify a suitable investor?
This is where COMPANYLINKS can provide essential support: we will rapidly and efficiently find the right investor in our large pool of candidates. If desired, we can also refer experienced M&A consultants to your client.
“With medium-sized M&A deals, what counts is the intelligent combination of technology and specialist knowhow. COMPANYLINKS brings these both together under one roof.”
Dr. Ulf Renzenbrink
Lawyer, Renzenbrink & Partner
As an expert in company law or as a transaction lawyer you deal with corporate M&A transactions on a regular basis. Your law firm may actually handle medium-sized transactions internally. But you know well that having access to suitable investors is something you cannot necessarily count on at any given time. You are welcome to consult with us confidentially. Thanks to our comprehensive database and our long-standing in-house transaction expertise we are able to refer you and your clients to specific potential buyers and financiers.
In many cases we are asked for advice when transactions between our clients require legal support. Register yourself and your law firm with us so we can recommend you whenever the need arises.
Insolvency administrators
Whenever insolvency is imminent or has occurred already, selling the company is a matter of great urgency. Spending a lot of time on the search for suitable buyers is not an option.
A positive outcome is much more likely if you entrust the task to COMPANYLINKS. Thanks to our inventory of verified investor data and our fast, efficient process we are able to name potential investors on short notice – within hours if necessary. The fee to be paid upon successful referral will be negotiated individually during the preparatory stages.
Chambers and associations
“Corporate succession is one of the biggest challenges for German medium-sized businesses. By the end of 2020 alone, around 230,000 businesses will be looking for a successor. As the leading medium-sized business association, we therefore welcome the overdue creation of a transparent and efficient marketplace.”
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Völz
Chief Economist, BVMW Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands
As a chamber of commerce, chamber of crafts or employers’ association you are the first point of contact for your member companies in many critical situations, including business succession. However, identifying a suitable buyer for a company is not an easy task, especially outside your specific region. If confidentiality is an essential requirement or the company is comparatively large, you need trustworthy partners.
We will help you and your member companies identify suitable buyers and transaction partners. Your obligation to remain neutral will be expressly preserved.